Two years ago I received a homemade card from my boyfriend. After that he has given me many expensive gifts, but none make me feeI how I felt, when I got the card. To me that card has been the best gift he has ever given me. I feel that having him take the time to put into words how he felt about me was more valuable than any gift he could buy. Sometimes the smallest things can make a big difference in someone’s life. However, many people would disagree.
With the holidays rapidly approaching, people are going from being jolly to being overwhelmed.
“This is so stressful! I really don’t know what to get him for Christmas,” one of the girls said. “I don’t know what to get my cousin or my sister either,” said the other. This was a conversation I overheard while waiting at a check-out line at a Walmart near my house.
As they went on and on about how stressful the holiday season was, I realized people are missing the whole point of the holidays. ‘Tis the season to be jolly,’ not stressed and worried. Gift giving evolved many years ago. It was used as a sign of appreciation and a signal of love.
Yes, this is still the gift giving season but the best gift one can give or receive is Love. Some may think the bigger the gift the more you are showing someone you care. However, showing someone you care does not mean drilling a hole in your pockets. Sure, if it grows on you to spend on big gifts, do it. Just don’t feel you have to in order to express your feelings.
An expensive gift doesn’t really show you care. I know a girl who bought her boss a pricey gift and she doesn’t even like him. My point is that it’s the little things that count. A present that cost you little to no money can be worth the most. Remember gifts are more about the sentiments not the price tag.
To me, baking a cake for someone, cutting flowers, or even just spending an afternoon with someone special is a wonderful way of showing them you care. It lets them know how important they are to you. Of course I understand we sometimes want to buy gifts for the people we love, but it shouldn’t be stressful.
Ironically giving is also receiving. When I give someone a gift, and regardless of the price it brings a smile to their face, I feel like I’ve received something as well.
When in doubt buy a card. There is no clearer way to say I love you.
So why stress during this wonderful time of year. Instead let’s embrace the wonders and enjoy them near our family, friends and loved ones.
Feel free to comment and provide your suggestions on inexpensive gift ideas. Have questions? I can be reached at:rose032385@gmail.com
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